Q & A : A Religious/Spiritual Tour Of Kelowna
Q: I never heard of a tour like that. What’s it about?
A: It’s a tour of churches in Kelowna, emphasizing
evangelical churches.
Q: Why emphasize evangelical churches?
A: Most born-again christians are evangelicals.
Q: Where do I find this religious/spiritual tour?
A: www.likereally.org ….. youtube….. facebook.
Q: You critique evangelical churches?
A: I feature Kelowna’s five largest.
Q: What is the purpose of this tour?
A: To turn wayward hearts back to Lord Jesus.
Q: Is that necessary?
A: Churches have stolen the loyalty and affection of
many of Christ’s people.
Q: How did you evaluate these five churches?
A: By counting the number of times they spoke Christ.
Q: You counted!?
A: I counted.
Q: How oftten did these five churches speak Christ?
A: They spoke Christ less than they spoke ‘church’.
Q: Like really? How does this compare to the NT?
A: The NT speaks Christ much more often than church.
Q: And your conclusion?
A: Evangelicalism contrasts both the Bible and Jesus.