Q & A: The Awful Evangelical Tithe (Part 2)

Q: How awful is awful?

A: It’s arguably the most appalling evangelical tradition.

Q: Why is the evangelical tithe so awful?

A: Jesus: “Where your treasure is, there your

heart will be also.”

Q: And?

A: Collecting tithes is collecting little pieces of

your heart.

Q: Is that how they capture our affection?

A: And loyalty. And obedience.

Q: Obedience?

A: Instead of obeying Christ’s commission to reach

the world’s unsaved, evangelicals obey the

decrees of evangelicalism.

Q: Such as?

A: Subsidizing building and the pastor’s salary. Etcetera.

Q: Etcetera?

A: The secretary and janitor. Re-pave the parking lot.

Air conditioning. An on and on.

Q: Are you saying evangelicalism is a poor investment?

A: Evangelicalism costs more than money, much more.

Q: What do you mean?

A: Evangelicalism costs souls.

Q: Souls? Like really? How can that be?

A: Expenses are paid by money plundered from the

Great Commission.