Q & A: A.W. Tozer (1897-1963)

Q: What was Tozer’s most popular book?

A: “The Pursuit of God” was his first and most popular.

Q: Have you read this book?

A: About 6-8 times over the years.

Q: Six to eight times?

A: It’s that good. This book gave him instant notoriety.

Q: Have you read other books by Tozer?

A: Several.

Q: What is your favourite?

A: “God Tells The Man Who Cares.”

Q: How many times have you read this book?

A: More than any book, the Bible excepted.

Q: Obviously you recommend Tozer’s writings?

A: His insights will reform, enhance and strengthen your christianity.

Q: Like really?

A: Like really.


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