Q & A: We Are Branches
Q: Who is ‘we’?
A: ‘We’ is you and ‘we’ is me and ‘we’ is
every christian.
Q: Why do you call us branches?
A: Jesus calls us branches: “I am the vine,
you are the branches.”
Q: Was Jesus speaking metaphorically?
A: Jesus was talking relationship.
Q: Relationship?
A: After redemption, Jesus invites us into
ongoing abiding relationship.
Q: Ongoing? Like continuous? Forever?
A: Not only continuous but deeper.
Q: The very Son of God invites me into
deeper relationship?
A: He does.
Q: He loves me that much?
A: He wants you more than you want Him.
Q: Like really?
A: Like really.
Q: Like really, really, really?
A: Like really, really, really.