Q & A: You May Not Be At Your Lowest
Q: Isn’t life getting better for us christians?
A: Not all. Not most.
Q: Why not?
A: Most have idols.
Q: What is an idol?
A: An idol is someone or something that comes
before Lord Jesus.
Q: Are you certain christians with idols are
heading down?
A: Idols take you down, never up.
Q: And after idols take you down?
A: They take you lower still.
Q: Always?
A: Always.
Q: A non-stop decline?
A: Like really.
Q: How does a christian get an idol?
A: By deposing Jesus from the throne of one’s life.
Q: How does a christian get rid of idols?
A: By reseating Jesus on the throne of one’s life.
Q: And the decline will stop?
A: Immediately. Now it’s up, up, up.