Q & A: Evangelicals Fear Evangelicals

Q: How do evangelicals fear evangelicals?

A: In the same way catholics fear catholics and

mormons fear mormons, etc.

Q: Do evangelicals fear those of other religions?

A: No. Religionists only fear those in their own crowd.

Q: What are religionists afraid of?

A: Disfavour. Exclusion. Rejection.

Q: So they are cautious to stay in harmony with

their people?

A: Very. This caution pressures evangelicals to conform.

Q: Conform to what?

A: Conform to evangelicalism.

Q: Is peer pressure within evangelicalism light, moderate

or heavy?

A: Heavy. The human need for acceptance is huge.

Q: So what’s wrong with acceptance and approval?

A: The need to be accepted and approved is dangerous.

Q: How so?

A: That need leads to compromise.

Q: How so?

A: It pressures one to follow evangelicals instead

of Christ.