Q & A: Evangelicals Are Afraid To Preach
Q: Afraid to preach? Afraid of whom?
A: Their christian community. The pastor. Each other.
Q: How do you know that?
A: Simply because evangelicals, generally speaking,
don’t preach. Not even to each other.
Q: Are you saying there are guidelines?
A: Unwritten guidelines.
Q: Unwritten?
A: Much of what we are taught is non-verbal.
Q: An example?
A: No one taught evangelicals to call the man
“Pastor”, but they do.
Q: They follow the example of others?
A: New arrivals soon learn what is and isn’t
expected of them. They find their ‘place’.
Q: And they learn by example to not preach?
A: By example. By inference. Pulpit-people understate
Scripture’s clear mandate to preach.
Q: And that’s why evangelicals don’t preach?
A: They can “share” a testimony. Even go on
‘missionary trips’. But preaching “Jesus Christ and
Him crucified” upsets protocol.
Q: And the consequences?
A: Immeasurable.