Q & A: Answered Prayer

Q: How do I get my prayers answered?

A: Jesus taught there are two conditions?

Q: Two? Just two?

A: Two.

Q: What’s the first?

A: “If you abide in Me.”

Q: What does that mean?

A: If you have a rich, meaningful relationship with Christ.

Q: Are you talking intimacy?

A: Intimacy. Fellowship. Togetherness. “First love.”

Q: And the second condition?

A: “And My words abide in you.”

Q: What does that mean?

A: If you hold His words in high esteem.

Q: High esteem?

A: His words must be given eminence above all other words.

Q: You mean above traditional teachings?

A: Yes. And words of unbelief, fear, discouragement.

Q: Do you guarantee these two conditions will get my prayers answered?

A: No. But Jesus does.


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