Q and A: Evangelicals Afraid Of The Holy Spirit

Q: How do you know that?

A: The constant repetition.

Q: Like?

A: Same church. Same service. Same schedule. Same

songs. Same speaker.
Q: Which means?
A: Evangelicals are guided by someone/something

other than the Holy Spirit.
Q: Like who/what?
A: The pastor. Group influence. Tradition. Habit.
Q: Have they been institutionalized?
A: An evangelical is an institutionalized christian.
Q: How do you define an institutionalized christian?
A: One in unison with their institutional church.
Q: Is that so bad?

A: Unison with an institutional church is disunity with

the Holy Spirit.

Q: Like really? And therefore out of step with Jesus?

A: Most certainly.

Q: And therefore the Father?

A: Most certainly.

Q: And the Bible?

A: Most certainly.

Q: Is there a remedy?

A: Repentance is the answer to most problems.