Q and A: Knowing vs Realizing
Q: There’s a difference?
A: Big difference.
Q: What’s the diff?
A: Knowing is a head thing.
Q: And realizing?
A: Realizing is when it sinks into your heart.
Q: Hmmm. An example?
A: The judgement seat of Christ.
Q: Don’t most christians know of the judgement
seat of Christ?
A: Yes, but few realize it. It has never sunk down in
their hearts.
Q: How can you tell?
A: I’m not deaf and blind.
Q: Christians aren’t living as though they must give
an account to Jesus?
A: The judgement seat of Christ isn’t even in their
Q: When is the last time you heard someone speak of
the judgement seat?
A: I can’t recall.
Q: Like really? It’s that rare?
A: Christians know it’s coming, but don’t realize it.
Q: And if they did?
A: They would abide more fervently in “the true vine”?
Q: The true vine?
A: Jesus said, “I am the true vine”.
Q: The “true vine” will soon be our judge?
A: Amen and amen.