Q & A: Only Those Who Get It Will Get it
Q: Get what?
A: A better life.
Q: Better than what?
A: Better than the life you are now living.
Q: Who are those “who get it”?
A: Those who fully realize (absorb) this truth.
Q: What truth?
A: There’s a better life available for everyone.
Q: But suppose life isn’t so harsh?
A: Jesus wants to enrich your life, be it inferior or exceptional.
Q: How can Jesus enrich my life?
A: Through relationship.
Q: Doesn’t every christian have a relationship with
A: Certainly. And improving that relationship will
improve life.
Q: Considerably?
A: To the degree the relationship is improved.
Q: How do I improve my relationship with Jesus?
A: Worship. Obedience. Gratitude. Idols must go.
Q: What will a better life look like?
A: More love and peace and joy…. more of every
good thing.
Q: So a better life is available to everyone?
A: Only those who get it will get it.