Q & A: I Have Never Tithed

Q: Never?
A: Never.
Q: How long have you been a christian?
A: 46 years.
Q: And all those years you have never tithed?
A: Never.
Q: Were you sleeping when the man

preached tithing?
A: Mostly, tithing isn’t preached; it’s assumed.
Q: What do you mean?
A: It’s like everybody assumes Jesus wants us

to tithe.
Q: Doesn’t He?

A: Jesus hates the evangelical tithe.

Q: Evangelical tithe? What’s that?

A: The tithe invented by evangelicals to finance


Q: Did you ever feel you were “cursed with a

A: Never.

Q: Did you feed something to the collection plate?

A: More than I care to admit.

Q: What advice do you have for tithers?

A: Stop the insanity!