Q & A: I Know The Answer To your Problems

Q: How do you know what my problem is?

A: I don’t.
Q: Then how do you know the answer?
A: Problems vary, but the answer is the same.
Q: I got it…. Jesus is the answer, right?
A: Wrong.
Q: Jesus is not the answer to my problem!?
A: No.
Q: You’re kidding, right?
A: Ain’t kidding.
Q: But how could that be?
A: If Jesus was the answer to your problem you

wouldn’t have a problem.
Q: How do you figure?
A: Jesus was always with you.
Q: And?
A: And you still got into the problem.

Q: So?
A: So Jesus can’t be the way out of your problem.
Q: Well, what is the answer to my problem?
A: Faith in Jesus is the answer to your problem.

Q: Oh. And faith in Jesus is the answer to every

A: Like really.