Q & A: I Believe In Healing Miracles

Q: Had you experienced a healing miracle?
A: Yes, a healing of my tailbone.
Q: How did you injure your tailbone?
A: While climbing into an attic access opening.
Q: Was the injury painful?

A: Somewhat, especially after rising from a chair.
Q: Where did you receive your healing?
A: While attending a conference in Abbotsford, B.C.
Q: Did they pray for you?
A: The preacher had a word of knowledge, asking

those with a tailbone injury to stand.
Q: And you stood up?
A: No hesitation whatsoever. I received about 80%

healing then and there.

Q: And the other 20%?
A: Within a few days.
Q: Who was the preacher?
A: Bill Johnson from Bethel Church, Redding, Ca.
Q: How many years ago?
A: I dunno. Maybe 10.

Q: And you’re still healed?
A: Still healed.

Q: What do you say to those who teach Jesus no

longer heals?

A: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and
