Q & A: True Leaders
Q: What makes a leader a true leader?
A: A true leader speaks relevant spiritual truths.
Q: And if a leader does not speak truth?
A: He is nonetheless a leader, but a false one.
Q: How can we know?
A: A true leader draws people closer to Christ?
Q: Were the apostles true leaders?
A: Mostly.
Q: Mostly?
A: Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan!”
Q: But wasn’t that before Calvary and Pentecost?
A: Paul “had to oppose” Peter for serious wrongdoing.
Q: So a christian can be both a true and a false leader?
A: Speaking relevant truth is being a true leader.
Q: Then we can all be leaders?
A: We are all leaders, good or bad.
Q: What about all the church leaders?
A: When speaking truth they are being true leaders.
Q: And when they’re not?
A: They are leading others away from Christ.
Q: Don’t their credentials make them true leaders?
A: No, no more than a badge makes a child a sheriff.
Q: But most are true leaders, right?
A: Most are both, just like Peter.
Q: Is there anyone I can trust!?
A: In all my years I have only known one.
Q: Please tell me, who is it!?
A: Lord Jesus.