Q & A: Detach and Recommit

Q: Detach myself from what?
A: Religion.
Q: You think I’m attached to a religion?
A: Most are.
Q: How do you define ‘religion’?
A: Religion: a spiritual governing body.
Q: Are there many religions?
A: In my city of Kelowna there are at least 50.
Q: What do they have in common?
A: They each insist on loyalty to their brand of religion.
Q: To their set of rules?
A: Rules additional to, or contrary to, the Bible.
Q: All 50?
A: Not one exception.
Q: After detaching myself from religion, what then?
A: After you detach, you recommit.
Q: Recommit myself to Jesus Christ?
A: Religion has weakened your attachment to Christ.

Q: What changes will follow my recommitment?
A: A better life. A better eternity.