Q & A: Fishers of Men

Q: Fishers of men? What’s that?
A: Jesus said to two fishermen, “Follow Me, and I

will make you fishers of men.”
Q: Instead of catching fish they would catch people?
A: They would lead many to Christ.
Q: Can we all become “fishers of men”?
A: Certainly.
Q: Well, how do I become one?
A: Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you

fishers of men.”
Q: So if I follow Christ I will have a big ‘catch’?
A: A deep devotion to Christ will ensure a sizable catch.
Q: But why do so few christians beget christians?
A: Because so few are following Christ.
Q: Like really? Who are christians following?
A: Most christians are following christians.
Q: And not Christ?
A: Believers following Christ produce converts.

Q: Lots of converts?

A: Dozens. Perhaps hundreds. Perhaps thousands.
Q: But suppose I don’t have the calling of evangelist?
A: We are all called to evangelize.
Q: Like really?
A: Like really.

Q: Like really, really, really?
A: Like really, really, really.