Q & A: James 1:8: “A Double-Minded Man”

Q: What does it mean to be double-minded?

A: Sometimes believing, sometimes doubting.

Q: How do we know when we are being double-minded?

A: When we are wavering in our faith.

Q: How do we know if/when we are wavering?

A: Faith is always accompanied by expectation.

Q: Expectation?

A: Expecting God to answer is a sure sign of faith.

Q: And if we don’t expect we don’t have faith?

A: You got it.

Q: If we don’t believe we won’t receive?

A: “Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything.”

Q: How do I switch from double-minded to single-minded?

A: Repentance. Bowing to the lordship of Christ. Perseverance.

Q: Will that work? Like really?

A: Jesus will help you. Like really.