Q & A: Pastor-Fixated Evangelicals

Q: Mornin’. Enjoy yesterday’s service?
A: Sure did. Pastor Pete outdid himself.
Q: Yeah, but don’t you miss Pastor Percy?
A: I must say I liked Pastor Percy more than Pastor Pete.
Q: Who has been your favourite over the years?
A: Neither Pastor Pete nor Pastor Percy were a match

for Pastor Pierce.
Q: But don’t you think Pastor Perry has them all beat?
A: I don’t think Pastor Perry outshone Pastor Pierce.
Q: How do you figure?
A: Pastor Pierce is well-grounded in the Word.
Q: Is that because Pastor Pierce once sat under the

ministry of Pastor Peyton?
A: Could be. Pastor Peyton is long gone.
Q: Where did he go?
A: Pastor Peyton left town to replace Pastor Paxton.
Q: Really. Where did Pastor Paxton go?
A: To heaven.
Q: Oh. When did Pastor Paxton pass?
A: A few weeks ago. Pastor Patrick did his funeral.
Q: Lots of pastors turned out?
A: I’ll say. Pastor Pete, Pastor Percy, Pastor Pierce,

Pastor Perry, Pastor Peyton.

Q: I assume Pastor Patrick gave an uplifting word?

A: Pastor Patrick sure bragged on Pastor Paxton.

Q: Great. Well, gotta go…. see you on sunday?

A: Certainly. Pastor Pete will be expecting us.