Q & A: The Feasts: Authentic vs Hybrid
Q: Hybrid?
A: Hybrid, simply said, is a mixture.
Q: Like a hybrid car, fuelled by two systems?
A: Hybrid feasts are a mixture of God’s way and
man’s alternatives.
Q: Okay. But what do you mean by authentic feasts?
A: Authentic feasts are celebrated God’s way.
Q: Has God’s instructions been recorded?
A: Leviticus, chapter 23.
Q: How do the authentic and the hybrid differ?
A: The authentic had many animal sacrifices.
Q: Anything else?
A: The feasts were to be celebrated in Jerusalem.
Q: Anything else?
A: Feasts were specifically for “the children of Israel”.
Q: Does God still want the Israelites to keep the
(authentic) feasts?
A: Not since Christ established the new covenant.
Q: Do you think God frowns upon hybrid feasts?
A: Sufficient to say Jesus never authorized changes.
Q: Did the apostles authorize changes?
A: There are no changes recorded in Scripture.
Q: How can so many presume to alter God’s
A: The keeping of hybrid feasts is a religion, and
religionists feel no compulsion to obey Scripture.