Q & A:  I Have A Sick Soul

Q: You have a what!?
A: I have a sick soul.
Q: Could you repeat that!?
A: I…. have…. a…. sick…. soul.
Q: You, Larry Jones, have a sick soul?
A: I, Larry Jones, have a sick soul.
Q: You poor guy! When did it happen?
A: Soon after the age of reason.

Q: Age of reason?

A: When a child becomes accountable.
Q: What happened?
A: I introduced myself to sin.
Q: And…. ?
A: Sin darkened my soul.
Q: Thus you have a sick soul?
A: The more I sinned the more infected I became.
Q: Did it distress you when you found out?
A: Not at all.
Q: But why?
A: Now I understand why I am the way I am.
Q: Hmmm. And just how are you?
A: Unfinished. Blemished. Lotsa defects.
Q: Do you feel inferior to other christians?
A: Not really.
Q: And why not?
A: We all have sick souls.

Q: Are you saying I have a sick soul!?

A: No comment.