Q & A: Does Jesus Want Us To Keep The Feasts?

Q: Feasts? Like christmas and easter?
A: No, no, no! The feasts of Leviticus, chapter 23.
Q: Oh. Like the Passover and Feast of Tabernacles?
A: There are seven feasts the Israelites kept.
Q: Did Jesus keep them?
A: Undoubtedly.
Q: Then He must want us to keep them, right?
A: Wrong. Everything changed at Calvary.
Q: In what way?
A: Lord Jesus provided a new and better covenant.
Q: So the feasts do not apply to our new covenant?
A: Most feasts pointed to the coming Messiah.
Q: So the arrival of Jesus makes the feasts irrelevant?
A: His life and death fulfilled most prophetic feasts.
Q: Why do some christians still keep the feasts?
A: They (supposedly) keep the feasts differently.
Q: How so?
A: One example of several: no animal sacrifices.

Q: Because Christ was the final sacrifice?

A: Amen and amen! Praise be to Jesus!

Q: Is it possible to keep the feasts “differently”?
A: Changing God’s feasts is not keeping God’s feasts.

Q: Nonetheless, some obviously believe Jesus wants

us to keep the feasts…. differently?

A: God never authorized changes to His feasts.

Q: Never? No hint of changes in Scripture?

A: Never. No hint of changes in Scripture.