Q & A: Fishers of Men

Q: Fishers of men? What’s that?
A: Mat.4:19: [Jesus] said to them, “Follow Me, and

I will make you fishers of men.”
Q: Who was Jesus talking to?
A: Two brothers, Peter and Andrew, both fishermen.
Q: Will Lord Jesus make me a ‘fisher of men’?
A: Certainly. But there is a requisite.
Q: A requisite?
A: Yes, a precondition.

Q: Do I have to be an apostle? An evangelist?

A: No and no.
Q: What then is that precondition?
A: Jesus said to the brothers, “Follow Me”.

Q: That’s Christ’s requirement…. to follow Him?

A: Christ makes “fishers of men” all who follow Him.
Q: But I already follow Him…. don’t I?
A: Followers of Christ have a distinct trait.

Q: Tell me, what is it?

A: Followers of Christ are sensitive to the Spirit.
Q: You mean obedient to the Holy Spirit?

A: We obey Christ by obeying the One He sent.

Q: That’s how we become fishers of men?
A: Followers of Christ are fishers of men. And…

Q: And?

A: And fishers of men are followers of Christ.