Q & A: Beware The ‘R’ Word
Q: What’s the ‘R’ word?
A: R-e-b-e-l-l-i-o-u-s.
Q: Rebellious against God?
A: Not against God; against church leadership.
Q: So what should we ‘beware’?
A: A consistent misuse of that ‘R’ word?
Q: Does the ‘R’ word signal illicit spiritual control?
A: It signals a lack of respect for the management
of the Holy Spirit.
Q: And replaces it with their own?
A: Exactly. Evangelicalism is much like catholicism.
Q: Both want to control one’s christianity?
A: Yes. Both religions contest Jesus for lordship.
Q: How should we react?
A: Confront or flee.
Q: Are all ‘christian’ religions the same?
A: All christian religions are the Bible plus.
Q: Plus?
A: The Bible plus their distinct observances.
Q: Is that real rebellion?
A: Rebellion is adding to (or subtracting from) the Bible.
Q: Does that mean what I think it means?
A: Afraid so. It means all religions are rebellious.
Q: What should I do?
A: Renounce all religion; guard against religionists.
Q: And?
A: Repent of idolatry and again “put on Christ”.