Q&A: Evangelicals: 30% Christ, 70% Religion

Q: Evangelicals are 30% and 70% of what?
A: 30% and 70% of their spirituality (spiritual life).
Q: A mere 30% is Lord Jesus!?

A: Seemingly.

Q: And a whopping 70% is religion!?
A: Seemingly.
Q: Seemingly? So you’re only estimating?
A: More like guess-timating.
Q: What qualifies you to ‘guess-timate’?
A: I’ve been around a long time.
Q: How long?
A: Long as in l-o-o-o-n-n-g.
Q: Did evangelicals start off 30%, 70%?
A: Evangelicals did not start off evangelicals.
Q: They became evangelicals?
A: An evangelical is something one becomes.
Q: Well what were they like when first converted?
A: Fervent…. possibly 70% Christ, 30% religion.
Q: And after attending church?
A: 70% Christ dropped to 60%, 50%, 40%….
Q: And religion?
A: Religion climbed from 30 to 40 to 50…..
Q: Is leadership also 30% Christ, 70% religion?
A: Seemingly. Pew-people are 30% and 70%

because pulpit-people are 30% and 70%.

Q: As in Hosea 4:9: “Like people,like priest”?

A: Seemingly.