Q & A: Does It Cost To Give?
Q: Of course it costs to give…. doesn’t it?
A: No. God’s economy is different than man’s.
Q: Different?
A: Generosity actually enriches the giver.
Q: Hey!…. are you ‘Word-Faith’!?
A: I loathe the (supposed) Word-of-Faith
movement. But I do believe the Bible.
Q: Does Word-Faith teach some truth?
A: All religions have a degree of truth.
Q: Do you believe in prosperity?
A: I believe in generosity.
Q: You believe in giving to get?
A: I believe in getting to give. Jesus wants us
to receive so we can bless.
Q: And keep some for ourselves?
A: Jesus: “Do not lay up…. treasures on earth.”
Q: Why doesn’t Word-Faith quote this verse?
A: It opposes their prosperity/greed narrative.
Q: Where do they go wrong?
A: Like most evangelicals, they accumulate.
Q: You mean “treasures on earth”?
A: “Treasures on earth” cost “treasures in heaven.”
Q: So tell me, why doesn’t it cost to give?
A: Give little and God reimburses your little.
Give lots and God reimburses your lots.