Q & A: Tell Me, Should I Speak Truth?
Q: Well, should I?
A: All should speak truth…. as the Spirit directs.
Q: Would the Holy Spirit ever constrain me?
A: Certainly.
Q: But isn’t He the “Spirit of truth”?
A: The “Spirit of truth” is also the Lord of truth.
Q: What do you mean?
A: He dispenses truth at His discretion.
Q: You mean He chooses the time?
A: Words must not only be truthful but helpful.
Q: Helpful?
A: Helpful…. corrective…. and timely.
Q: How do I know when the time is right?
A: You don’t. But the Holy Spirit does.
Q: Should we be prepared to speak truth?
A: Always…. to speak truth and write truth.
Q: Will speaking/writing truth get me in trouble?
A: Jesus was murdered because He spoke truth.
Q: Will speaking truth always bring strife?
A: Consider John the baptist, Paul, Peter,
Stephen and many etceteras.
Q: That was back then…. what about today?
A: Same truths brings same reactions.
Q: From?
A: From those who disdain truth.