Q & A : Truth: How much Do You Want?

Q: Hey! Just how much truth do you want?

A: Silly question! I want it all!
Q: Then why don’t you have more truth?
A: Well…. I dunno.

Q: Don’t you think Jesus wants to give more?

A: I suppose.

Q: You suppose?

A: Okay… I’m sure He wants me to have more.
Q: When is the last time you prayed for truth?
A: Can’t remember.

Q: Can’t remember?

A: Can’t remember ever praying for truth.
Q: But didn’t you say you want more truth?
A: I did and I do.
Q: Why haven’t you asked Jesus for more truth?
A: I simply don’t know.
Q: Could it be you don’t want more truth than

what you have?

A: That’s a bitter pill to swallow.
Q: Remember Jesus saying, “The truth shall

make you free”?
A: I remember.
Q: Are you willing to pay the price for freedom?
A: I want freedom big time.
Q: Do you realize the changes truth will bring?
A: “Lord Jesus, more truth! Whatever the cost!”