Q & A: Watch Where You Deposit Yourself


Q: I should choose my church carefully?
A: No church should be “my church”.
Q: And why not?
A: Paul: “Each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I

am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas.’“ Just

considering a church ‘mine’ is divisive.
Q: But shouldn’t we all have a ‘home church’?
A: Nobody should have a home church.
Q: Nobody?
A: The Bible doesn’t speak of ‘home’ churches.
Q: I shouldn’t sit in any pew?
A: I didn’t say that.
Q: Aren’t all pews beneficial?
A: Both beneficial and dangerous.
Q: How could a pew be dangerous?
A: Week after week something illicit is happening.

Q: Like what?
A: Your loyalty to Jesus is being threatened.
Q: In what way?
A: Slowly it is being shifted to ‘church’.
Q: What’s the solution?

A: Fiercely defend the lordship of Christ.

Q: Are there many who would plunder it?
A: Many. To be safe do not attend the same

church more than once or twice a month.
Q: Then I will be safe?

A: To the degree you are “hidden with Christ”.