Q & A: Unite And Control


Q: Control what? Who?
A: The congregation.

Q: Who wants to control?

A: The pastor.

Q: Are you suggesting ill intent?

A: Just doing what he’s trained to do.

Q: Bringing people under his leadership?

A: Leadership. Control.
Q: How does he accomplish this?
A: By uniting the people.
Q: How?
A: Using catchwords such as “team players”,

“home church”, “church family”, etc.
Q: Is creating a “family” a method of control?
A: Every family has a father, a leader.

Q: And that leader of this family is…. ?
A: It sure isn’t Lord Jesus.

Q: And everyone is eager to join the family?

A: No one wants be an outsider.
Q: But didn’t our Lord appoint these pastors?
A: Denominational lords appointed them.
Q: How can we recognize a true leader?
A: True leaders of Christ point to Christ.
Q: Christ as lord, Christ as leader?

A: Christ and Christ alone.