Q & A: Are You Being Controlled?

Q: How do I know if I am being controlled?

A: There are certain indicators.

Q: Such as?
A: You’re being controlled if….

*** if you have been coerced to tithe

*** or coerced to finance salaries

*** or coerced to finance buildings

*** or coerced to trust others with your money

Q: Ouch! Is there more?

A: Oh yeah. You’re being controlled if….

*** if you need someone’s permission

*** if you are a ‘team player’

*** if you are a church member

*** if a certain congregation is your ‘family’

*** if you give account to anyone other than Christ

*** if you call anyone other than Christ your pastor

*** if you are not governed by the Holy Spirit

Q: This is painful. Almost finished?

A: Hardly. You are being manipulated if….

*** if told God would have us do (build) this or that

*** if you have made a pledge

*** if there is an unwritten “can’t talk” rule

*** if your opinions are not welcomed

*** if not free to contribute during gatherings

*** if you give special honour to the licensed

*** if not free to challenge the accepted

*** if another dedicates your children

*** if another baptizes your converts