Q & A : House Church: Good Idea?
Q: What is a house church?
A: Christians gathering regularly in a home.
Q: Is that what the earliest church did?
A: Certainly. Church buildings (yuck!) came later.
Q: How were their gatherings conducted?
A: 1 Cor.14:26: “When you meet together, one will
sing, another will teach, another will tell some
special revelation God has given.”
Q: So there was group participation?
A: 1 Cor.14:29: “Let two or three prophesy, and let
others evaluate what is said.”
1Cor.14:31: “You can all prophesy one by one,
that all may learn and all may be encouraged.”
Q: Is a house church simply a cell group?
A: A cell group (yuck!) is an extension of a church.
Q: Does the house church have a pastor?
A: No pastor.
Q: No tithes? No collections?
A: No tithes, no collections, but plenty of food.
Q: They share meals?
A: Lotsa meals, lotsa fellowship, lotsa mutuality.
Q: Should I attach myself to a house church?
A: Ask the Lord Jesus… if, where and when.
Q: How important is that?
A: The Holy Spirit knows your need and every
detail of every house church. Wait upon Him.