Q & A : Knowing Jesus vs Knowing About Jesus
Q: There’s a difference?
A: A huge difference.
Q: In what way?
A: I knew about Jesus many years before I knew Him.
Q: What do you mean by knowing Jesus?
A: Intimate relationship, relevant attachment, loyalty.
Q: And knowing about?
A: Detached, remote, impersonal data.
Q: And you knew Jesus when first converted?
A: I became another branch abiding in the Vine.
Q: Did knowing Jesus lead to knowing more about Him?
A: I was hungry to know about the One I now knew.
Q: Does knowing about Jesus lead to knowing Him?
A: Not necessarily. The church is split into two groups.
Q: Like really? What’s the first?
A: The smaller group desiring, primarily, to know
Jesus more and more intimately.
Q: And the second?
A: The majority who study to know about Him.
Q: Why would anyone shy away from intimacy?
A: Many prefer a distant Jesus because more of
Jesus requires less of self.
Q: It’s the lordship of Christ vs the lordship of self?
A: ‘Me’ can be, and often is, an idol.
Q: What’s the future for a me-christian?
A: Less, much less, brighter than a Jesus-Christian.