Q & A : Heresy Hunters
Q: What are heresy hunters?
A: Christians who publicly expose false teachers.
Q: You have a problem with that?
A: Heresy hunters are themselves guilty of heresy.
Q: Like really? An example of their heresy?
A: Most endorse/promote the two-tier system.
Q: The what?
A: The perverse division of Christ’s church into
the ministerial class and the laity class.
Q: Is this ministerial-laymen division harmful?
A: All heresies are harmful.
Q: Are other heresies common to heresy hunters?
A: Evangelical tithing is an accepted heresy.
Q: How harmful is the evangelical tithe?
A: Extremely injurious, causing millions to perish.
Q: Like really? Can it be?
A: Evangelicalism is funded by money intended
to finance Christ’s Great Commission.
Q: How do evangelicals misspend those funds?
A: Buildings and salaries.
Q: Are either Scriptural?
A: Jesus would call buildings “treasures on earth”.
Q: And salaries?
A: Minus the salary, evangelicalism wouldn’t survive.
Q: So heresy hunters should self-inspect?
A: Jesus: “You look at the speck in your brother’s eye,
but do not consider the plank in your own eye.”