Q & A : Inept Evangelicals Go Fishing

Q: You’re speaking of “fishers of men”?

A: Jesus: “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers

of men.”
Q: Why call evangelical fishermen inept?
A: Because they catch very few fish (men).

Q: Why is that?
A: Imagine two lakes, the first sparse fishing, the

second plenteous.

Q: Why aren’t the fish in the first lake biting?
A: They’re simply not hungry and refuse the bait.
Q: The bait being the gospel of Christ?
A: Again and again they spurn “Jesus Christ and

Him crucified”.
Q: Why do evangelicals keep fishing this lake?
A: Conveniently, this lake is in their backyard.
Q: Where should they fish?

A: The second lake, located in third world countries.
Q: Fishing is better there?
A: The fish are hungry and will take the bait (gospel).
Q: But isn’t the distance problematic?
A: We catch men by supporting national fishermen.

Q: Local evangelists?

A: They can do what we cannot do because they are

where we are not.

Q: They can catch an abundance of fish?

A: Lots and lots of beautiful, happy fish.