Q & A : Fiercely Defend the Lordship Of Christ

Q: Defend Christ’s lordship from what?

A: 1Jn.5:21: “Children, keep yourselves from idols.”
Q: What is an idol?

A: Something/someone between Christ and christian.

Q: Why was John concerned?

A. Because idols usurp the lordship of Christ.

Q: They gain ascendency to the throne of one’s life?

A: And once seated they begin to destroy.

Q: How destructive are they?

A: Idols plunder one’s faith, power, usefulness.

Q: Are idols sometimes people?

A: Not sometimes, but usually.

Q: Like family and friends?

A: And religious leaders.

Q: How can we identify an idol?

A: An idol is someone we cater to.

Q: How do we protect ourselves?

A: Only by fiercely defending the lordship of Christ.

Q: Fiercely?

A: Acts 20:30: “Among yourselves men will…. draw

away the disciples after themselves.”

Q: Were these religionists successful?

A: Gal.1:6: “I marvel that you are turning away so

soon from Him who called you.”

Q: Sad. But is their problem our problem?

A: Religionists will ensnare anyone who does not

fiercely defend his/her lordship of Christ.