Issue # 7 – Christianity vs Religion
Mormons are washed and anointed with oil before being initiated. Witches are washed and anointed with oil before being initiated.
Mormons are taught they can attain Godhood. Witches are taught they can attain Godhood.
Mormons wear Masonic-type aprons and use Masonic-type handshakes to communicate among themselves and with spirit-beings.
Witches wear Masonic-type aprons and use Masonic-type handshakes to communicate among themselves and with spirit-beings.
Mormons receive their most sacred information on the five points of fellowship. Witches receive their most sacred information on the five points of fellowship.
Mormons believe they hold the priesthood of Melchizedek. Witches believe they hold the priesthood of Melchizedek.
Mormons are given new secret names. Witches are given new secret names.
Mormons are taught that salvation is gained by works. Witches are taught that salvation is gained by works.
Mormons worship in a circle alternating male and female, with hands linked in special grips. Witches worship in a circle alternating male and female, with hands linked in special grips.
Mormons wear magical garments with special markings for spiritual protection. Witches wear magical garments with special markings for spiritual protection.
Mormons believe the devil told the truth in Genesis 3:5. Witches believe the devil told the truth in Genesis 3:5.
Mormons believe in eternal marriage beyond death. Witches believe in eternal marriage beyond death.
Mormons believe in a previous existence. Witches believe in a previous existence.
Mormons believe there are multiple levels of salvation. Witches believe there are multiple levels of salvation.