Who is affected by the NAM?

Everyone. Everyone is affected, or at least touched, by the NAM.

The NAM often attracts the intellectual and educated who have influence in the media, entertainment, business, and political, medical and educational spheres. Many of Hollywood elite are New Agers and propagate the New Age gospel over the screen with flair and enthusiasm.

The NAM is like a cloud, a dark spooky cloud, presently sweeping North America. No nook or cranny of North American life is left unblemished. Shirley MacLaine asks the help of a “spirit guide” in editing her Out On A Limb. Every major city produces between one and several New Age magazines. There are radio stations that play nothing but New Age music. Representatives from some of North America’s largest corporations meet to discuss how New Age methods can be used to improve business. New Age philosophy has penetrated children cartoons and toys and books.

The American Health magazine reports “a new breed of shrinks in the land” who use tarot cards and astrology charts. There are psychiatrists who now consider the insane as being on a higher plane than the rest of us. Wayne Gretzky turns to a hypnotist to help him overcome his fear of flying. Millions of North Americans are working out their karma. Lazaris and Mafu are the names of but two of many non-human entities that have become popular in NAM circles. An astronaut carries out a spaceship-to-earth telepathy experiment while journeying to the moon. Certain astronauts, American and Soviet, promote the human-potential movement. Employees of various companies are taught yoga to help relieve stress. New Agers worldwide gathered at the great pyramids in Egypt and other locations to hum in unison for the purpose of bringing awareness to their New Age aspirations, including a one-world government. University business courses might include tarot card reading or channeling. One university hosts a yoga convention, another teaches about out-of-body experiences and reincarnation. While in India Pope John Paul II encourages the world to look to the East for spiritual bread. Fifty-two publishers form the NewAge publishing Alliance. The bestseller The Acquarian Conspiracy reports a network of New Agers so strong as to be able to change North American culture. People joke about their next life on earth. Shamanism is big in Russia. New Age philosophy shows up in diet magazines, health articles, earthcare products. There are this very day multitudes of New Age courses, campouts, lectures, workshops, and conventions throughout North America.