Issue # 7 – Christianity vs Religion
The Mass is a series of formulated prayers and rituals, most having been passed on through the centuries, and the reading of Scripture verses. The priest wears a particular garment for particular days and occasions. The highlight of the Mass is the “unbloody sacrifice of Christ” whereby the priest changes bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ (called “transubstantiation”). The bread and wine taste and look the same, but Catholics must believe they have indeed been supernaturally transformed. The Catholic term, “sacrifice of the mass,” means that Christ is again being sacrificed in atonement for man’s sins, but this time in “an unbloody manner.”
The faithful line up to receive communion from the priest. Except on special events, he/she receives the wafer bread (the host) and not the wine; the wafer, after consecration, is considered to be “the body, blood, soul, and divinity” of Christ. The priest says to the recipient, “Body of Christ?” and the recipient replies, “Amen” (so be it, or so it is). This is how Catholics receive Christ (and therefore receive salvation).
After many centuries, the Mass evolved into what it is today. Many of its symbolisms have been taken from the occult. Until recently it was universally verbalized in Latin but now the common language of the country is used.
When I was a Catholic, just previous to my conversion to Christ, the priest quoted the words of Christ in Matthew 6:51 during Mass: “I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever, and the bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of the world.” The priest explained to the people that this meant receiving Christ in the Eucharist (the bread turned into Jesus).
It so happened this priest was at our home that Sunday for dinner, and I asked him what I thought to be an innocent question that, to my surprise, made him angry. “Father, Jesus said those words long before the Last Supper. But when He said those words did He not mean that people could “eat this bread” right then and not months or years later when the Communion meal was first established?” The priest was angered because it proved one could receive Christ (“eat this bread”) without receiving communion. It undermined the Catholic teaching that one received Christ at communion.
Scripture declares “by a SINGLE offering” He paid for our cleansing from sin. Jesus cried out from the cross just before He died, “It is finished.” According to Catholic doctrine it is not finished because Christ is being sacrificed thousands of times every day all over the world.