(This article on the Mormon faith (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) was written by Sword Of Truth Ministries of Kelowna, B.C. for The Main Issue.)
The Mormon Church was founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Smith published his Book Of Mormon in the same year, a book considered by that faith as par with the Bible. The Mormon faith has its main temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is global and expanding. Sword Of Truth challenges their claimed divine status of the Book of Mormon and certain doctrines of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
The most difficult problem when examining and commenting on another person’s religion is that invariably whatever is said, regardless of intent, will offend. But to the Mormon we would say please take the questions that this article raises to the Word of God for the final answer. If the Mormon faith is true it will stand up to scrutiny. Brigham Young himself said, “Take up the Bible and compare it with the faith of the Latter Day Saints and see if it will stand the test.” Orson Pratt teaches in his book The Seer that a Mormon is to convince other faiths of their errors of doctrine “by reason, by logic, and by the word of God.” It is by using these very weapons that we present this discourse on the Mormon faith.